25 March 2020

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 3 announcements - from the Bishops, from Mark and from the Parish Reps

 1.   From the Archbishops and Bishops:-

A letter has been sent to all clergy making it very clear that for public health reasons and for the best chance to defeat Coronavirus all Churches must now be locked and all prayers and worship, even by individuals, must now be done in the privacy of the home. They encourage us to pray. They also urge us to maintain a praying presence for our community in these unprecedented times and to serve others, especially the sick, the vulnerable and the poor.

 2.   From Mark in the light of this:-

You can help by posting prayers onto the town prayer site. You can do this via the link on the Framlingham Town Council website – but the easiest way is to email a prayer to framparish@gmail.com So prayer is not stopping, indeed it needs to increase and be encouraged but we will not be able to pray in the Church. But prayer is not restricted to a building, however glorious. We are God’s people, prayer comes from us, we are fortunate to have two lovely buildings and it is sad that we cannot use them but our prayers are no less valid. Personally I will miss praying with you in the two buildings, and worshipping as Christ’s body now on earth. However we can pick up the challenge to pray and serve.


Indeed both Churches are involved in care and prayer by:

In Framlingham by working with Town Council (see www.framlingham.com ) and people supporting the cocoons scheme who are being established to check on neighbours’ wellbeing and will help with shopping and medicine collection – contact information should be out soon and information on www.framlingham.com

In Saxtead and Framlingham by setting up telephone trees to stay in touch – and please phone friends and church acquaintances and stay in touch and support one another.

St Michael’s is working with Framlingham Churches Together to provide prayers and thoughts - https://stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/

Churches Together also continue to work on the foodbank which will help provide food for as long as it is supported for those who are in any financial hardship but also those who are self-isolating.

I am still trying to get my head around live-streaming – so if you would like a short service streamed to your computer via facebook or you tube or some other method please let me know – it would encourage me to put the effort in! Meanwhile you can join services led by the Bishops or from the Cathedral – details on https://www.cofesuffolk.org/bishops/broadcasting-live-services (click on this link and then the links on the page you arrive at)


A personal note from Mark        

Thank you for the prayers and best wishes from so many of you following the death of my mother; we were all very grateful. It has made the last fortnight rather challenging but there is a sense of her being at peace which she richly deserved                      …

 3.     From the Bishop via the Parish Representatives

“Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, a decision on the appointment has been suspended and this will be reviewed by the Bishop in 3 months time."




The Revd Canon Mark Sanders

The Rectory, St Michael’s Close, Framlingham Woodbridge IP13 9BJ

revmarksanders@tiscali.co.u Tel 01728 768875