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October News 2021

5 October 2021

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Reflection from the Rectory 


Harvest Festival, that we celebrated at the
end of September, is always a favourite of mine.
The sense of anticipation as you see the
combine harvesters in the fields and the
ploughing start is a joy. For me it speaks of
the harvesting of God’s blessings to share.
Sharing our gifts is a part of being a church
community, so I am delighted to announce that
Caroline Foster and Edith Peck have agreed
to share the role of Musical Director for St
Michael’s and use their experience of choir
leading and passion for church music to allow
us to use music as a mission focus. They will
work and co-ordinate with Catherine Johnson
our Sing Praise worker to encourage younger
people into the choir, where they sing with and
learn from our established Choir.
Fruits of the Spirit becoming visible to the ears!
All Saints Saxtead are looking at ways to
enhance a ministry of invitation, to encourage
those in the village who may not often come to
church to be welcomed by the introduction of
new Initiatives into their worship life.
Real missionary zeal from the faithful few
eager to share the Gospel afresh. There is so
much to look forward to in both our church
families. The new card reader gives the
congregation and visitors the opportunity for
contactless giving too.
The redevelopment of St Michael’s rooms into
the new community facility, Castle Community
Rooms, continues to move forward. The build
presents both challenges and opportunities for
the future. I remain deeply grateful to the build
team and the fundraising team for their
continued belief and passion in this work.
The long awaited new glass doors for St
Michael’s are being made and thanks to a
generous donation we are able to buy them
and possibly have them in before Christmas.
So things are beginning to move on lots of
fronts, which is very exciting.
On October 3rd we keep our patronal
festival with the feast of St Michael the
Archangel to whom our church in Framlingham
is dedicated. Let us pray for Michael and all
the angels and Saints to support us on our
journey of being the Kingdom of God made
visible in Framlingham and Saxtead! Chris.
Prayer Corner
O God, who gives us the water of life through
Jesus Christ:
We pray for those who have an eternal longing
to be at one with you:
We pray for those who thirst for peace, those
whose lives are parched by war, and those
whose hearts are torn by grief:
We pray for all in our human family who cry out
for basic necessities for survival, and those
who have given up crying out:
We pray for those who live in the darkness of
fear, guilt, doubt or fearful circumstances within
their daily living:
We pray for all who have drunk of the living
water, and yet who search for ways to share
the water of life. Amen.