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Fram Churches

Framlingham Churches Together, thoughts and prayers to encourage and support our community in

Framlingham Community Baptist Church / St Clare’s Roman Catholic / St Michael’s Church of England / United Free Church-Methodist & United Reform / Framlingham College


Be Strong and of Good Courage was the message God gave to Joshua after the death of Moses. Joshua’s task is happily very different to ours and the task he had causes us all sorts of questions.

But the message is a good one as individuals, as a nation and as part of the world community, we face the worst medical nightmare for many decades and it naturally worries and concerns us. The advice we are receiving will affect how we live, how we shop, what we do and even how we pray together.

We face the challenges better if we do it together and reassure each other, talk with each other and whenever the opportunity comes, laugh together

Churches Together members are feeling that and want to share the hope that sharing Jesus’ love gives and to share in the commitment in the town to try and help people who may be ill or self-isolating for safety or just wondering what all this is about.

Laughing probably can’t be on demand, but supporting each other is a Godly task and the Churches are willing to offer that and to share prayer. Be Strong and of Good Courage and together with help from God we will get through this strange and unnerving period.


sharing Christ 83 added 18.10.24

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st
which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am said Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Eucharist (All-age on First Sunday)
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
Insights from our Hero
With the state of the world today —wars, storms, and chaos— it feels like the beginning of
an action thriller. We’re just waiting for that moment when the hero goes from enjoying a
peaceful picnic to running for their life. Thankfully, our hero has given us some incredible
Recently, I was struck by the book of Revelation, a text we often overlook; it contains the
prophecies John recorded from his vision, revealing God’s desire for people to turn to Him
and build a relationship with Him. Understanding this makes the current events so much
clearer. God is preparing to establish His rule and restore the world to a sinless state
reminiscent of Eden.
As we approach Christ’s return, it’s vital to ensure our souls are ready, and to help others
learn about Him as well. While we may not have all the answers, we can direct others to the
Bible, where the true answers reside. We may not know the exact day or hour, but as Jesus
said, “As in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” I encourage you to
read Revelation and Matthew 24; they may provide clarity on today’s events.
Father God, Abba, Lord of All,
Thank You for the insights You’ve given us about what’s happening.
We see the signs, and You have opened our eyes to Your wonders.
We ask for guidance on how to respond to questions like, “Why would a loving God…?”
We seek You, Lord, to be the centre of our lives as we move forward in service to You for all
Ben Plant


SHARING CHRIST 82 added 23.09.24
Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st
which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
(Note, no service on 6th October, when we attend the County Harvest Festival at Trinity Park)
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Family Eucharist
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
Harvest thanks
The evenings are beginning to draw in a little and the slight chill in the morning reminds us
that autumn is close. The fields have been harvested and reseeded ready for next year. This
year I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon on a local farm, riding the combine and having
a tour. I was reminded that farmers not only care for the crops we need, but are custodians
of our future. They are working to find new methods that work with nature to get the best
from the land. It was a really interesting time and, in our rural community, a way to be
reminded of those we need to be grateful to in the care of the land around us. Farming is
challenging and requires a deep understanding of the rhythms of nature.
Environmental concern in the light of climate change science is important for all of us. The
book of Genesis reminds us that the world was created to supply our needs and we to care
for it. We have not been good stewards of creation. At harvest time as we give thanks to God
for the gifts of creation to meet our needs once again, let us also pledge ourselves once more
to be stewards of creation.
Loving God,
As we celebrate the gifts of the harvest,
We pray for our farmers who work to supply our needs while looking after the land.
Help us, to be mindful stewards of the creation entrusted to us.
Rev Chris Davey


SHARING CHRIST 81  13.08.24

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style.For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Eucharist

(All-age Eucharist at 9.30am on the first Sunday of the month).
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am     1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/


Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/


With whom do we Share Christ?

Our title begs the question with whom do we share Christ?

Fairly obviously we cannot fragment Christ for we are to accept him whole and entire, human and divine, completely and unconditionally.

The 6th August is the Feast of the Transfiguration when the Lord Jesus on the mountain top revealed himself in his glory to humanity. So awesome was the sight, the radiance of the King of light, that Peter was overwhelmed and made verynaive suggestions as to how it should be celebrated, how Christ should be sharedJesus calmed the storm within him.

St John Vianney, the humble Cure of Ars, wrote "Our sins are nothing but a grain of sand alongside the great mountain of the mercy of God." Here is in understanding, a transfigurational moment in which we all can share.

Sharing Christ is accepting our humanity and frailty, loving Jesus and all his sisters and brothers and all his Father`s creation as it unfolds, unconditionally, not seeking reward but embracing life and our stewardship of it. It is the wisdom and love of creation that is available through the Lord.

St Paul`s Communion of Saints, living and dead, is accepting those who loved God and loved their fellows. In our communion we are transfigured as the light of Christ radiates through us; we become, as St Francis remarked, "channels of God`s peace," sharing all the blessings of the Beatitudes.

St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Patron of Europe), who communicated with the most erudite and noble women of Europe, wrote of how the love of Christ transforms us from mere humanity to what we aspire to be- heirs to the Kingdom,a family in perfect harmony. As a recent pop song proclaimed, "You lift me up to more than I can be."

Sharing, Pope John X111 saidis not charitable giving but the realisation that it is everyone`s right, a God given inheritance,not to be seen as largesse on the part of those who have an abundance of gifts, but a duty to ensure equality in all things;the equality we inherit in Christ.

As it says in Acts- "the community shared all things in common "not just material goods but the gifts and graces of the Spirit, that small zephyr which fills us with the love of Jesus.

Sharing Christ is not only sharing the gifts, talents and causes of joy but also sharing the sorrows, bearing one another`s burdens; of carrying a share of the cross of Jesus on our journey, our pilgrimage to the Kingdom.

In the paraphrased words of the hymn, ‘There is no discouragement should make us once relent our shared intent to be a pilgrim.



Lord of the journey, give us courage.

Lord of every burden, help us share with one another.



Rev Mike Vipond


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st
which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Family Eucharist
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
Please note: there will be no 8.00am Communion services on Sundays during August
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
God of Shalom
‘Beauty for brokenness
Hope for despair
Lord in your suffering
This is our prayer
Bread for the children
Justice, Joy, Peace
Sunrise to sunset
Your kingdom increase.’
Graham Kendrick’s song never fails to bring tears to my eyes and during our recent Christian
Aid Week we were made aware again of the needs of so many in the world today.
Violence is a major cause of poverty, capable of wiping out years of development and
destroying thriving societies.
In 1945 Christian Aid was born out of the need to respond to the effects of war and since then
has worked in many conflict-affected countries.
It believes that poverty robs people of their dignity and lets injustice thrive and so it seeks to
tackle its root causes.
As we are shocked by the suffering, news and pictures we see on our screens, my prayer is
that our God of Shalom would put peace in the hearts of people and guide the leaders of all
nations to reconciliation and understanding.
‘Lighten our darkness
Breathe on this flame
Until Your justice
Burns brightly again
Until the nations learn of Your ways
Seek Your salvation
And bring You their praise.

Gay Clarke / Song by Graham Kendrick




SHARING CHRIST 78 added 10.06.24
Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Family Eucharist Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
The feast of Pentecost is in someways the birth of the missional church, the Christian church began with the call of the first disciples but after the death of Jesus and even into the resurrection stories the disciples are almost frozen with fear. It’s not until the sending of the Holy Spirit that the church becomes truly missional in the way that Jesus had been, outward looking and service focussed.
At Pentecost it all changes and the Acts of the Apostles shows how that inspiration sets the fledgling church on fire. The life they lead is a direct outworking of their belief in the God that Jesus has revealed to them. Their love for God overflowed from worship into service. They lived very differently sharing all they had with each other and those in need.
The reverberations of Pentecost have rippled out through time, down through the years from then until now in a constant stream of divine activity through his church. That is the Spirit that we have inherited. We fan those flames in worship, each of our churches in their unique styles and traditions, and we must live them in service in our community. We do so for no other reason than it is our calling and lived after the example of Jesus our Shepherd. 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us; ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.’ When we live that love individually and together the world is transformed through all our acts of service in His name.

So let us breathe the Spirit in deeply this Pentecost and allow it to revive, restore and equip us afresh to love our neighbour as ourself.
Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,
ignite in us your holy fire;
strengthen your children with the gift of faith, revive your Church with the breath of love, and renew the face of the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rev Chris Davey

SHARING CHRIST 77 added 17.04.24

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style.For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday)
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am  
Morning Prayer (Northumbrian Community)  Tuesdays at 9.00am.

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am     1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/


Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/


Spread God’s Blessings

"In Jesus`s name repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all nations beginning from Jerusalem."

In the Acts of the apostles Peter speaks to the people of Jerusalem, especially the Pharisees and the scribes. He argues that, though those who crucified Jesus may not have realised what they were doing, they shared in the traditional guilt of disbelieving the prophets, often killing them. He lays at their feet the fact that they had the Just One unjustly killed.

All through the Scriptures the prophets have warned that the Messiah would come and not be recognised. Jesus, himselfin his parables speaks of the vineyard where its managers are exiled and killed. When the owner sends his son who, surely,will be acceptable, the people of God have him killed and Jerusalem, the Holy City is destroyed. It is no longer holy and becomes a wilderness, a godless place. Because of this it is from Jerusalem that acts of repentance and pleas for forgiveness must be publicly preached.

So it is that Luke`s version of the physical presence of Christ begins with the return of the two disciples from Emmaus so that the whole family of disciples is gathered to bear witness to the risen Christ. No mention is made of Thomas but the true physicality of the resurrection is emphasised by Jesus`s request for something to eat, which he does before their eyes.

John in his simple way reassures us that Jesus, being just, is the perfect advocate for the whole world and that, if we obey the words spoken by Jesus, God`s love comes to perfection in us.

This advocacy, this pleading to change the world, unravels the relationship between Moses, the prophets and the psalms. It opens the minds of the disciples so that they understand the Scriptures -the blind see, the dumb speak, those who feared they had died with Christ have risen with him. They are made whole and, being healed, they are brave enough to share Christ, starting in Jerusalem. The apostles are appointed witnesses to the living Lord to the whole, unbroken world.

"You are witnesses to this, preach repentance to all nations."

If we are members of the witness to Christ risen then we must bring light where there is darkness, love where there is hatred and joy to the sad.

We who have not seen and yet believe are truly blessed. We have the task of spreading the love, the forgiveness, the repentance -all of God`s blessings to all the world in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia

Rev Mike Vipond




Lord, the resurrection of Your Son has given us new life and renewed hope. 
Help us to live as new people as we follow Him
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, 
the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, 
and the strength to complete it.


SHARING CHRIST 76 added 28.03.24

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith


St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Easter: Good Friday 3pm Lord’s Passion Service

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style.For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday)
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am

EasterMon-Wed 7pm Reflection, Maundy Thur 7pm Eucharist, Good Friday Children’s Workshop 10-12 & Service 2pm.

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am     1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

Easter: Mon – Wed 9am Morning Prayer, Good Friday 10am 

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/

Easter: Thu 7pm Communion with finger buffet

Prayers from all of ushttps://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/


Hope despite troubles

Bear with me through the first part of this, which seems so negative, there is good news towards the end!

You might be tempted to despaircertainly many right now find themselves doing so - those in poverty, those in asylum centres who have been there for a long time, those who are living in fear of bombs, those whose children are hungry.

In the gospel of Matthew (and of Mark) Jesus warned his disciples, “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

The war in Sudan has been called ‘The war the world forgot’, as people are displaced, besieged and on the brink of starvation. All the usual abominable crimes of war have been listed in the recent BBC news. This war, to add to the invasion and besieging of Ukraine, the bombing of Gaza, the atrocities of Hamas and the terrible gang violence in Haiti, can make us despair, even as we sit in our comfortable homes and watch it safely on our TVs.

Yes, we must respond with urgency and do what we can -write to our MPs to ask for a ceasefire in Gaza and urgent aid to be allowed in, donate to those providing aid, donate to foodbanks, volunteer to help in charity shops and at food pantries, sign online petitions to plead with leaders to act justly, … or whatever you find to do to help.

We are often stunned even by the actions and words of some of our UK leaders, and by extremists who preach hate in the UK -how did we get to this? What has happened to our society?

Jesus’s very next words, after those above, were, “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, …”

But we must not despair.

Jesus next words were, “… but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Yes, those who stand firm in their faith, clinging to Jesus through all the confusion and difficulties, trusting that God will make things right in the end, will be saved -will know the presence of God in their lives to bring them encouragement, comfort, strength to endure, and then will be with him forever in the ‘new heaven and new earth’.

How do we know we have this gift from God? Because he sent his Son, Jesus, to die for all our sin (our selfishness and thinking we know best) and to break the power of death forever. He died, sure enough, but then he came alive again and was seen by hundreds before being watched by some of his friends as he disappeared upwards into the clouds. What is more, those confused, frightened disciples, a few days later, miraculously became confident speakers and leaders, and they said that God’s Holy Spirit had filled them!

All of us, too, have the opportunity to claim this wonderful friendship with Jesus, to know God as our Father and to have the Holy Spirit work in our lives. As Jesus said, “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Julia Rose



Thank you, Lord God, for sending your Son to die for us on the cross and for raising him from death and sending your Holy Spirit for all believers.

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.



SHARING CHRIST 75 added 15th Feb

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) 
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am.  Tuesdays at 9am Morning Prayer in the Northumbrian tradition.  On Sundays in Lent Evening Prayer will be held at 4.00pm

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am     1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/

Prayers from all of ushttps://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/



Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb

As we enter a season devoted to expressing love and making sacrifices, my prayer is that amidst these actions, we remain anchored in two pivotal truths. Firstly, let us not forget the profound love God showcased by sending Jesus, and secondly, the unwavering assurance that God will never forsake us. Despite being single, I often find myself asking God to be my Valentine, a testament to my deep love for Him. While I grapple with the challenge of giving up specific things for Lent, I redirect my efforts into a 40-day prayer commitment for someone or a group yet to experience the unwavering presence of God.

Contemplating God's love and steadfast commitment, I wrestle with the dual imagery of Jesus as both the triumphant Lion of Judah, defeating death, and the sacrificial Lamb, crucified for our sins. Formerly, I envisioned Jesus as the sacrificial Goat, akin to how football fans laud exceptional players as the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). In His greatness, Jesus exemplified love and compassion to the entire world. 

A recent visit to NASA in January unveiled a captivating image of a galaxy, suggesting a profound interaction between a Lion and a Lamb.

This interplay of the Lion of Judah prevailing through the sacrificial act of a Lamb resonates deeply. It brings to mind a Bible verse or a song chorus that encapsulates this powerful imagery. Just as Revelation 5:5 states, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed," and echoing the sentiments of a beloved hymn chorus, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, holy, holy is He," I find assurance that Jesus is indeed the Greatest Of All Time. He descended as a Lamb, radiating love, rose as a triumphant Lion, and the belief persists that He will return in glory as the Lion of Judah.

With thanks to Ben Plant



Praise you, Lord Jesus,

Because you are both a triumphant lion

And a slain lamb, who died for our sin.

Help us to bow in awe at Jesus, who is God,

And to be ever grateful for his sacrifice.



SHARING CHRIST 74 added 19.01.24
Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st
which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday)
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
Do not be afraid
Happy New Year!
Here we are in 2024 as a new year of possibilities opens up for us. It can be hard to be
optimistic with hope when there are so many parts of our world that seem fractured. I was
reminded again over Christmas as we listen to the story how often the first words of God’s
message are ‘do not be afraid’. Yet, watching world events unfolding, it can be hard not to
fear what might come. That said ‘do not be afraid’ is found in scripture well over three
hundred times and is actually the most common phrase in the Bible.
I think that is such an important message not only because it speaks of a heart of God which
longs for a relationship with humanity in love, not fear – it also reminds us that fear itself can
be paralysing. Christians are not called to be paralysed but active in God’s service. We are
called to look at the horrors affecting our world and not stand quietly by but raise our voices
to call for justice and an end to violence, especially for the oppressed whose voice is drowned
out in the noise of battle.
Jesus shows us the possibility of a different world, where love, rather than greed or thirst for
power and wealth, is the motivation in our lives with God and our lives with each other as
neighbours in an ever-changing world.
It sometimes makes us feel powerless to watch world events unfolding but in a very real way
change begins in each human heart. We make a difference first in our own lives and
communities hopeful that from that example new ways of being fully human will cascade out
into the world to bring light into the seemingly impenetrable darkness. Jesus brought light
through healing and feeding and loving service and sacrifice. He showed us that such values
are the way to live human life as fully as possible.
So let us continue as Christians together in Framlingham to be United in worship and service
walking together as a witness to the God who has called us in Jesus and the power of the
Spirit to shine as lights in the darkness, for the darkness cannot overcome the light.
The great hymn writer John Bell puts it like this:
Don’t be afraid,
my love is stronger,
my love is stronger than your fear.
Don’t be afraid,
my love is stronger and I have promised,
promised to be always near.
With thanks to Rev Chris Davey

SHARING CHRIST 72 added 8.11.23
Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
Churches Together Remembrance Service Sunday 12th November at 10.45 around the War Memorial then in St Michael’s Church.
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal in café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Service 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE US
After this I behold, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, tribes, people, and languages, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation to our God who sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.”
And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God.
Saying, “Amen: Blessing, and glory and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever, Amen.”
And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, “What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And where did they come from?”

And I said unto him, “Sir, you know”. And he said to me, “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sits on the throne shall dwell among them.
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”
All Saints Day is a Christian holiday observed on November 1st each year. It is a day specially designed to honour all the Saints, both those who are known and those who are unknown. The celebration of all Saints Day can be traced back to the early Christian church and it is observed by various Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and some Protestant churches.
On All Saints Day, believers remember and give thanks for the lives and examples of the Saints who have lived before them. It is a time to reflect on the virtues and holiness exhibited by these individuals and to seek their lives’ intercession and inspiration. The Saints are seen as role models of faith, and their lives serve as an example for others to follow.
In Zimbabwe one common practice on all Saints Day is the visitation of cemeteries or graveyards to honour deceased loved ones and Saints. They also clean and decorate the graves with flowers and offer prayers for the souls of the departed.
Overall, All Saints Day is a significant observance in the Christian Calendar to recognize and honour the lives of Saints and to celebrate the communion of Saints, both in heaven and on earth.

With thanks to Rev Saul of the United Free Church

Dear Heavenly Father
We come before you today on this All-Saints Day service to honour and remember all those who have gone before us. We thank you for the Saints known and unknown, who have faithfully served you throughout the ages. May their lives be an inspiration to us as we strive to follow in their footsteps.
We remember our loved ones who have passed away, those dear to us who are now among the great cloud of witness. Comfort and console us in our grief as we remember them with love and gratitude. Help us to find strength in the hope of resurrection and the promise of eternal life in your presence.
Finally, we give you thanks for the assurance that in Christ we are all Saints, called to be part of Christ, we seek to be your ambassadors in this world. In the name of Jesus, we pray.



Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ Beautiful
Love has no off-switch:
it’s not about like or dislike.
Love can help us see that people are beautiful. ...................................
You are a Beautiful Human Person as you read this. You are a valuable person,
You are a special person,
You are a unique person,
You are beautiful.
You are unrepeatable, and You are mysterious.
You are a Beautiful Human Person.
No one will ever exist like you.
No one will ever experience the life that you have experienced.
You are a collection of specialness that has never been put together before. You are loved.

I believe people are beautiful; but many of us do not believe we are. Beautiful is not a word we would ever apply to ourselves. Perhaps we have become trapped in a certain idea of physical beauty and, comparing ourselves to others, decide we are not beautiful.
It’s not difficult to miss the beautiful. In my life I have worked with many challenging people — young offenders, gang members, people working the streets, in constant trouble with the police. In the cells under the courts of the Old Bailey in London it’s not difficult to see the ugly side of a life.
Our instinct in the face of obnoxious behaviour or a threatening attitude is to walk away. But when you see a person’s behaviour you cannot see their journey. You cannot see their upstream. Someone’s behaviour can trigger feelings in us that lead us to like or dislike them and if we see only the behaviour, we tend to move away from people, to avoid relationships with them.
But I’ve learned that we have to notice someone’s behaviour, to accept our feelings about it, and then to see beyond that behaviour. This is what the decision to love can do. Love has no off-switch: it’s not about like or dislike. Love can help us see people beyond our feelings of like or dislike. Love can help us see that people are beautiful.
If we’re triggered by someone’s challenging behaviour or language, we don’t have to rush to judgement about them; instead, we can train ourselves to allow that moment of bad behaviour to trigger love in us. It’s a skill we can practise, learning how to empathise with the beautiful human behind the behaviour.
It was when I began to remind myself that everyone is made in the image of the Divine that I began to understood there are no bad people, only bad behaviour. I may never know why that image is messed up in me, or in them, but I do know they’re beautiful.
That understanding changed everything for me. I began to see the beautiful, not just the behaviour. And when you look for the beautiful, when you see and treat people as beautiful, their own innate beauty becomes more obvious. And when we accept and affirm the beauty in each other, all of our behaviour may change.
When the Irish writer John O’Donohue spoke at Greenbelt, we used to meet in the bar at the hotel late at night for a cigar and a whisky. John said that the Greek word for ‘beauty’ is related to our word ‘call’ or ‘calling’. When we experience beauty, he said, we feel called. As I always say, everyone is a Beautiful Human Person. You are a Beautiful Human Person.
With thanks to Pip Wilson (died Sep 2023)
Lord, you made us in Your image,
Help us to see others as You do,
Help us to love as You love
And to act towards them as You want us to. Amen

St Michael’s Framlingham



Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

Sunday 1st October: 
Churches Together Harvest Service at 11am in St Michael’s Churchfollowed by lunch at the College –please give your names to your church leader.


St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal in café style.For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Service 1st Sunday) 
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/

Prayers from all of ushttps://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/




Amazing Grace

Earlier this year I was tasked with addressing the subject of "Forgiveness" when conducting an assembly at Sir Robert Hitcham's school.  Pondering how to approach the challenge my thinking led me to John Newton and his iconic hymn.  Quite a tall order, as it involved touching on the issue of slavery with five and six year olds and the concept of Grace with the whole assembled school.  The eleven year olds, with their developing personal philosophies of life faced me with quizzical looks as I attempted to address the great doctrine of church belief as it figured in the life of John Newton, and how it touches the lives of all of us today.  

I doubt if it left any in that assembly with a richer grasp of the concept but the story of the writing of the hymn carries its own interest and significance. 

St. Paul, author of so much of our creedal belief wrote:
‘By grace you are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.’

More recently Donald Swan (I’m assuming as in Flanders and Swan) said: 
‘But the grace of God is in my mind shaped like a key that comes from time to time and unlocks heavy doors.’

Two quite different viewpoints of this great saving power at work in human experience, but I suggest that John Newton gave the definition of Grace that probably unconsciously resonates with us more than any other.

Researching for the assembly I discovered on YouTube (there are some great renditions of the song there) that nearly all of the Negro spiritual songs (with which Amazing Grace can be placed) can be played on just the black notes of the piano.  It has been surmised that the tune we all know and thrill to, was quite possibly an African folk melody that Newton heard, hummed by the very captive slaves he carried on his ships.

At the end of the assembly we sang together a sing- along Karaoke version which the children took to easily.  They, like we, may have perceived in only a partial sense the meaning of what we were singing.  I suggest that this hymn, penned by Newton as a devotional verse for his congregation in Buckinghamshire, and that iconic melody, will teach us much about Grace as we shall learn in this life or in eternity.              

‘Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind but now I see.’


Terry Gilder, St Michael’s Church



Thank you, Lord, for the understanding and light your grace brings to me. 

Thank you for forgiveness,

Thank you for your unending love.




Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

   Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church  

Sunday Mass at 9amThursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and oZoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal in café style.For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Service 1st Sunday) 
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham   

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home
Zoom information may be found on the church website.http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/

Prayers from all of ushttps://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/




Sharing God’s fatherly care for all his creation

This is my son, the belovedlisten to him.” The directive given to Peter, James and John, as with all Christ`s words, is for all his followers for all time. It implies not just listening but active response, employing all the senses the creator has given us, paying close attention to the detail of the Father`s Word, his world; to everything that is being created at this moment.

When we surrender part of ourselves, at Lent, Advent orwhen donating to charity it requires more than going without sweets.. it requires sharing our blessings with those in need. It requires time spent in thinking about sharing what is the birth right of all created things.

In talking to his disciples Jesus invites them to share the paternal relationship the Father has with His creation. Not one sparrow is forgotten before God. “Consider the lilies of the field, not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like one of these. Jesus is able to invite others to contemplate the world because he himself was in constant relationship with his Father`s creation. "Lift up your eyes and see how the fields are already white for harvest."

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which when it is full grown, the birds of the air nest in its branches.” Jesus lived in harmony with his Father`s world calming fear and restoring health. "Of course I want to heal you," he says to the leper who pleads for freedom from this isolating disease.

On the days when we hand in  our aid envelopes  we should hear in the silence of our giving-"I was hungry and you gave me to eat, thirsty and you gave me to drink, naked and you clothed me, sick and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." "Whatsoever you did to the least of my little ones you did to me," said Jesus.

Pope St John wrote that whatever we do for those in need is theirs by right. What we have been given is our duty to share with those who have little. Jesus is equally forthright about the failure in our responsibilitieswhatsoever you did not do- you denied me.

The Word of God was far removed from philosophies which despise the body, matter and the things of this world, for after all they were his heavenly Father`s gift -the created world.. Jesus worked with hands and laid hands on the sick and unhappy. By all his actions he sanctified labour and lifeand the care of all God`s Creation.

In the Christian understanding of the world the destiny of all creation is bound up with the mystery of Christ, the ultimate expression of love. The Word made flesh is the mystery of sharing Christ at work in the natural as well as the supernatural world. It is our transfiguration, we are gifted miraculous visions of joy! “For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and to reconcile to himself ALL THINGS whether in heaven or on earth.

On the last day the risen one will hold all creation to himself, no longer appearing under merely human guise but transfigured. The very flowers of the field and the birds of air will be imbued with his radiant presence and the hills and valleys shall sing.

And human kind? We will offer to the creator what we did with all the talents, blessings and graces we were given; an account of our stewardship of his world.

With thanks to Rev Mike Vipond

St Clare’s RC Church



Our Father, who is in heaven, holy is your name …

Forgive us our trespasses (sins) as we forgive others as they trespass against us …




Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ King of our Hearts
The Coronation was a long awaited day of celebration for King Charles.
Many of us found a reason to celebrate with him and the country, either because we are royalists, we enjoy the pomp and ceremony, or simply because it was good to all be together to celebrate without Covid restrictions.
Whatever our thoughts and feelings regarding the royal family, we have a king and he has responsibilities. He is Supreme Governor of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith. He has faith in God and we pray that he will look to God for direction and guidance in the years of his reign, and that God will guide and bless him.
King Charles was born into his role with responsibility, but also with wealth and privilege.
As Christians we believe in Jesus Christ the son of God. We believe He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End [book of Revelation].
Jesus was not born in a palace, his birth was, in the worlds view, in the lowest of the lowest of circumstances. This was significant; God used the lowly birth of Christ to show us that class,

wealth and status are not significant to God, nor is being loved and saved by Him dependent on them.
God turned the world’s values upside down. Through Jesus birth, life and death God demonstrated His desire to know us and to save us by sacrificing His Son for us.
Earthly kings wear crowns of gold, our King wore a crown of thorns; earthly kings come and go, but Jesus will be our King eternally. He is king of our hearts.
His power is through love and He desires us to love each other. It is through this love that we connect with God’s love for us.
With thanks to Joanne Siggins Framlingham Community Baptist Church
Thank you Lord for the seasons of our lives.
Thank you for the difficult times and times of suffering, when we draw close to You.
We pray for those suffering now, Lord, that they will know Your presence, peace and healing. Thank you for the spring time seasons of our lives, when we come through suffering and mourning and into celebration. Help us to stay close to You during this time as well, Lord.
We pray for our earthly King as he takes on the role as King, while remembering his mother our Queen who served faithfully.
We pray for governments around the world and people in leadership whose decisions affect so many. Give them wisdom and compassion, Lord.
Give us compassion and understanding for each other, Lord. Show us how to support and pray for each other.
Help us to stay close to You, sharing everything with You in prayer and listening for Your guidance.
We pray this in Jesus name,
“And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and father- to him be glory and power forever and ever, Amen” Revelation 1:5b-6

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Toast Rack in churches on Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon:
1st and 3rd Saturdays in St Michael’s, 2nd and 5th in the United Free Church hall, 4th in the UFC hall (run by the Baptist Church).
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ Time with God
Walking in the wilderness is a great Lenten theme and one St Michael’s has thought about this year, but we are also moving towards the new light of Easter, the shops are full of eggs and if we are not careful our attention shifts before the wilderness has time to share her blessings with us. Time alone is considered to be a luxury these days but for me it is part of the invitation of Lent. Six weeks to prioritise time for prayer and reading is welcomed but so easily lost if we allow ourselves to be distracted by the consumer driven needs and desires of our frenetic world.
I sometimes think that as life seems to get busier solitude is somehow less welcomed and more feared. We don’t know quite what to do with it, if you want to test that just introduce an extended period of silence into a church service. We are so used to filling out time with

stuff that absence can seem daunting. We have to recapture a more healthy balance if our spiritual health is to be important.
Silence might seem like an absence but, in reality, it is a place filled with God’s invitation to walk with him in the cool of the evening as Adam did in Genesis. Perhaps the fear is that we don’t believe God would want to spend time with us, perhaps we don’t feel worthy or good enough. These are deep and dangerous spiritual problems which can rob our faith of joy; for God created us in his likeness and, in Jesus, reveals the breath-taking depth of his love for us. I believe God longs to spend time with us and Lent is a reminder to make the space for such a delight. To spend some time where, without distraction, we can sit with our Lord and where, in the knowledge of his love, we can be renewed and refreshed. So don’t be rushed into Easter but luxuriate in Lent. Spend time with God with no agenda but to reconnect in prayer, through scripture, in music or art – we will all do it slightly differently. It’s not how we do it but that we do it that is the important thing.
To help me find that space I often use this prayer by Robert Van De Weyer which I offer to you.
I am the wind that breathes upon the sea, I am the wave on the ocean,
I am the murmur of leaves rustling,
I am the rays of the sun,
I am the beam of the moon and stars,
I am the power of trees growing,
I am the bud breaking into blossom,
I am the movement of the salmon swimming, I am the courage of the wild boar fighting,
I am the speed of the stag running
I am the strength of the ox pulling the plough, I am the size of the mighty oak tree,
And I am the thoughts of all people
Who praise my beauty and grace.
With thanks to Rev Chris Davey


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Toast Rack in churches on Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon:
1st and 3rd Saturdays in St Michael’s, 2nd and 5th in the United Free Church hall, 4th in the UFC hall (run by the Baptist Church).
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ Heavenly and earthly food
Recently I was enjoying some chips from the chippy, and it got me thinking, will there be a chippy in Heaven? Food gives us nourishment to ensure we can work, live and pray to God, it also allows us to reflect on the beauty and awe of His world that He created. However the thoughts of having a chippy in Heaven got me thinking, I wonder what foods we will feast on when we are with God our Father? In the Psalms David talks about tasting and seeing how God is good.
Food is mentioned quite a bit in the Bible, and in today’s society we talk about vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians (those who choose to eat veg, whilst having meat in moderation).
However balance is something we need, as Paul also writes in his letter to the Corinthians:
“... do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have

from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” The Holy Spirit lives within us, and wants us to look after ourselves and be fit and healthy. New Year resolutions are good, but very often we do struggle to keep them, however, if we take all things in moderation, God will bless our health.
In response to the question I asked, I am sure when I feast with God, He will provide us with all our favourite foods and better to eat.
Lord God, we thank you that we are able to eat amazing foods that you provide for us. Help us to honour you and ourselves by eating healthily.
Each food has a special ability, a ‘superpower’, to help ensure that we live long and fruitful lives.
We thank you for this. Amen
With thanks to Ben Plant

Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal, café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday All Age Advent Service Sunday 4th December at 9.30am – ‘Lord of Time’
Christmas Tree Festival starts Sat 3rd December
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
The churches and other venues in Framlingham are opening their doors to give a Warm Welcome with refreshments on six days of the week:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
- United Free Church 10-12
- St Michael’s Church 10.30-3.30 - Mills Charity Office 10.30-3.30
- Unitarian Meeting House 10.30-3.00 - St Clare’s RC Church 10.30-3.30
and on Saturdays from 10am - 12 noon, rotating around the churches:
1st Sat - St Michael’s
2nd Sat - St Clare’s
3rd Sat - St Michael’s
4th Sat - United Free (run by Baptist Church) 5th Sat - United Free

Advent – The Coming
Advent is upon us once more, a time of waiting and expectation; a time to prepare ourselves spiritually for the birth of Jesus. So much of getting ready for Christmas is in the externals, the lights, trees, the cards written and sent and presents bought and wrapped. Advent is the church’s reminder of a deeper, needful preparation, a spiritual and interior preparation. If our readiness is only to do with the externals, then it’s all over when the gift wrap is thrown away and the turkey finished.
Advent is the invitation to prepare hearts, so that we might see in the child born in simplicity in a manger in Bethlehem the Messiah of God. The readings in advent take us back
to the prophets whose words become reality in the events of the stable. The prophets’ words, whispering down the ages the eternal plan of God’s salvation. Busyness blinds our eyes and stops our ears to the true wonder of the Christmas story, of a moment in history when stars and angels revealed that the longed for moment had arrived.
I don’t think it is any surprise that it wastheshepherds in their silent fields who heard the song of the angels or the wise men in their searching who saw the star and set out to see what it could mean. We need to create those moments of quiet and searching in our own preparation, not as a duty, but as a blessing. My prayer for us all is that, in the busyness which is surely coming, we will prioritise some time for quiet and prayer, for wondering and listening, so that, in the silence we create, we might begin to hear the faint cries of the Christ child born for us and all people and may, in that deeper understanding, find once again the true joy of the Christmas story which, far from ending on Boxing Day, infuses every single day with the presence of God.
With thanks to Rev Chris Davey
A Celtic prayer for Advent
May the blessing of Light be on you,
Light without and light within,
May the blessed sunlight shine on you,
And warm your heart till it glows like
a great peat fire, so that the stranger
may come and warm himself at it,
and also a friend.
And may the light shine out of the two eyes of you, Like a candle set in two windows of a house, Bidding the wanderer to come in out of the storm. Amen


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Service 11.15am on Sunday 25th September.
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Toast Rack in churches on Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon:
1st and 3rd Saturdays in St Michael’s, 2nd and 5th in the United Free Church hall, 4th in the UFC hall (run by the Baptist Church).
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ Remembrance
November seems to be a month of remembrance, we remember Guy Fawkes and his attempt to remove parliament and the King with Fireworks Night, we remember also those who have bravely fought in wars, past and present, those who gave their lives fighting and those who bear the emotional scars of seeing friends they had made die next to them. The Americans remember the first harvest brought to them by the Native Americans and we also remember that Christmas is coming and the joy of celebrating The Reason for the Season.
As I also remember the Platinum Jubilee of The Late Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I am reminded of her faith, she remembered everything that had happened and used certain days

in a year amongst her work, to reflect on God’s deeds and the wonders she had seen and heard of during her life.
Psalm 77:11 says “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.”
As we remember the past, and honour those who fought for freedom remember this, that God has done wonders and we will never forget. The words, “Lest we forget” are some we will start hearing but, along with “lest we forget”, lets also say, “Yes, we will reflect on the wonders and miracles that have happened”.
Lord God, as we spend time in reflection as we approach the celebration of your coming down to Earth, we pray for those that have lost loved ones during the past year, that they can use the time to reflect and remember the deeds You have done. We also pray Lord that, as we remember people who have lost their lives during all wars, we pray that we never forget them as You have never forgotten them. Amen
With thanks to Ben Plant


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am; Alive @ 4 children’s activity service 4pm on 3rd Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Service 11.15am on Sunday 25th September.
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home. Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/

Opening doors
As I write the new glass inner doors are being fitted in St Michael’s church. The hope is they will give a more light and airy entrance area for worshippers and visitors. I have always felt there is a deep Christian symbolism in doors as we seek to create doorways, into faith, into community and out into the world.
We worship a God of invitation, who in Jesus came to us to invite us into deeper and more authentic relationship. In our churches we seek to create places of divine encounter, places of stillness and prayer amidst the often frenetic pace of life, we strive to be places of deep welcome for all who come. We hope that the transparency of glass doors will make the journey in slightly easier and give those inside a clearer view of the outside world we are called to serve.
The challenges of the present time with rising costs will give our call to serve fresh impetus, and I pray that together we will work in, with and for the community at such a challenging time creating warm spaces of welcome. St Michael’s new doors I hope symbolise for us a renewed commitment to open the doors to welcome people in and the doorway into deeper service.
As the Lord Jesus himself said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9)
A Prayer
Almighty and merciful Father, you have given us Christ to be the True Door of our salvation. We beseech you, bless and sanctify our doors, so that all who enter our churches through them may hear the word of the Lord and in the celebration of the sacraments may encounter the living Christ; for it is Christ who gave Himself to us as the true door to eternal life, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
With thanks to Rev Chris Davey



Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/ Psalm 139: 1-6
‘You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.’
A Prayer from Henri Nouwen
O Lord, who else or what else can I desire but you? You are my Lord, Lord of my heart, mind, and soul. You know me through and through. In and through you everything that is finds its origin and goal. You embrace all that exists and care for it with divine love and compassion. Why, then, do I keep expecting happiness and satisfaction outside of you? Why do I keep relating to you as one of my many relationships, instead of my only relationship, in which all other ones are grounded? Why do I keep looking for popularity, respect from others, success,

acclaim, and sensual pleasures? Why, Lord, is it so hard for me to make you the only one? Why do I keep hesitating to surrender myself totally to you?
Help me, O Lord, to let my old self die, to let me die to the thousand big and small ways in which I am still building up my false self and trying to cling to my false desires. Let me be reborn in you and see through you the world in the right way, so that all my actions, words, and thoughts can become a hymn of praise to you.
I need your loving grace to travel on this hard road that leads to the death of my old self to a new life in and for you. I know and trust that this is the road to freedom.
Lord, dispel my mistrust and help me become a trusting friend. Amen.
With thanks to Prue Gibbons


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/
Use our God-given gifts for others
What is man that you should keep him in mind?
Paul says to the people of Corinth, "those whom the world thinks common and contemptible are the ones God has chosen- those who are nothing at all to show up those who have everything."
God has made us members of Christ Jesus, our wisdom, our virtue, our holiness and our freedom.
In thanksgiving for all these gifts, we are called to develop our special talents in serving God; for each of us is unique called to share witness, prophecy and wisdom; to become channels of the love of God.
We have a God-given gift, just as the sun has its brightness and the moon, a different brightness and the stars differ from each other in brightness.
Paul tells the Galatians, "You have all clothed yourselves in Christ and there are no more distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female but you are all one in Christ Jesus."

And being one, we take as our law-"Love your neighbour as yourself". If we love our neighbour we will avoid self-indulgence, stressing in our relationship with one another- peace and love, gentleness and self-control. Being channels we must filter out the impurities of life so that we too, pass on the living water.
If we love one another as Jesus loves us, we must bear with one another, forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven us. We must do everything for the Lord's service- God has kept us in mind and all that we are has being in him.
The letter to the Hebrews stresses that since all children share the same blood and flesh, Christ has redeemed us all from the power and slavery of death and sin.
What we are called to is a life of good works- feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, “for whatsoever we do to the least of God's little ones, we do to the Lord”.
"By doing something good and not only believing" John writes; "we are justified".
We are peacemakers, when we work for peace and sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness.
Let us pray that we are kept in God's care, guided by the Holy Spirit and following the Lord Jesus.
Let us be faithful stewards of all God's creation for God made it and saw it was good; and like good stewards put ourselves at the service of others.
Father, you sent your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy.
Help us to worship you, one God in three persons, by proclaiming and living our faith in you.
Rev. Mike Vipond



Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am –Communion all Sundays except 1st, which is informal café style. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Sunday 5th June, 4.30pm tea followed by 6pm Songs of Praise for the Queen’s Jubilee.
Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home. Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/

The Power of Pentecost
The festivities for the Jubilee are going to be wonderful, with so much planned in the town! The date of the bank Holiday weekend coincides with Pentecost, which is one of my favourite festivals of the Church’s year. I like to think of it as the ‘big bang’ event of the church. The universe is continuing to expand outwards with the force of the primeval explosion of the big bang in an ever-expanding direction and that’s a great example for us.
The Church must be focussed outwards and forwards in the trajectory of the Holy Spirit which burst onto the disciples on that first Pentecost. The energy the Holy Spirit created and inspired saw the church grow massively in those early years, embracing difference and diversity while maintaining unity (that’s no small task as church history teaches us well!)
That Pentecostal power continues to guide the direction of the Church in all the world. It is good to be reminded of that power which blows in unexpected places and directions as God searches the world for hearts ready to awaken to his loving call with his message of salvation.
Our work as Churches is to be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to seek to work in unity with it as individual churches and as Churches Together. It is so easy to forget in the busyness of being church that God is the power and energy that underpins our work of being the Kingdom in the world. The early Church was very aware of that blessing, constantly meeting to praise God for his goodness and reach out in new directions to spread the Gospel. The call is always to reach out and to move forward and that takes courage in our world today.
Let us pray that the Spirit which ignited the early church will continue to ignite our faith and lead us where we need to go to grow the kingdom of God where we are!
Revd. Chris Davey
A Pentecost Prayer
Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,
ignite in us your holy fire;
strengthen your children with the gift of faith,
revive your Church with the breath of love,
and renew the face of the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers
Local Sharing Prayer and Faith
Good Friday Walk of Witness, 10am starting from St Clare’s
St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church
Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon
Framlingham Community Baptist Church
Easter Sunday 10.45am, Easter Family Communion Service with children’s Easter Egg hunt In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk
St Michael’s, Framlingham
Good Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer, 10am Children’s Activity, 2pm Liturgy Easter Sunday 8am Holy Communion, 9.30am Family Communion. Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday) Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am
All Saints, Saxtead
Good Friday, 9.30am Service of the Passion 11.15am 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion
United Free Church, Framlingham
Easter Communion, 11am Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home. Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/
Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/

The Many Rays of Hope
The Easter season is a time of hope. There still is fear, there still is a painful awareness of sinfulness, but there also is light breaking through. Something new is happening, something that goes beyond the changing moods of our life. We can be joyful or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, tranquil or angry, but the solid stream of God’s presence moves deeper than the small waves of our minds and hearts. Easter brings the awareness that God is present even when his presence is not directly noticed. Easter brings the good news that, although things seem to get worse in the world, the Evil One has already been overcome.
Easter allows us to affirm that although God seems very distant and although we remain preoccupied with many little things, our Lord walks with us on the road and keeps explaining the Scriptures to us. Thus there are many rays of hope casting their light on our way through life.

Henri Nouwen, courtesy of Prue Gibbons
Romans 6:4-5 explains this about what Easter means for us:
‘... just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.’

Dear Lord,
May we realise afresh what Your death and resurrection mean for us. Forgiveness, freedom and the ability to walk with You through this fallen chaotic world into eternity. May we find peace and satisfaction in You and Your willingness to offer Yourself to us We give you thanks and praise your Holy name Jesus.


Welcome to Framlingham Churches Together Thoughts and Prayers

    Local Sharing Prayer and Faith

St Clare’s Roman Catholic Church 

Sunday Mass at 9am, Thursday at 12 noon

Framlingham Community Baptist Church

In the FAYAP Centre and on Zoom each Sunday at 10.45am. For a Zoom link email info@framlinghambaptist.co.uk

St Michael’s, Framlingham

Sundays -8am Holy Communion and 9.30am Parish Communion (Family Communion 1st Sunday)
Wednesdays – Said Communion at 10.30am

All Saints, Saxtead

11.15am     1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

United Free Church, Framlingham                    

Sunday worship at 11.00am with a Zoom link to those at home.
Zoom information may be found on the church website. http://framlinghamufc.onesuffolk.net/

Prayers from all of us https://www.stmichaelsframlingham.org.uk/prayers-framlingham-churches/



Do we see stars or mud?

In his Ballad of Reading Jail Oscar Wilde wrote "Two men looked out through prison bars - one saw mud, the other saw stars."

Luke 9:28 - 36 speaks of the transfiguration where the appearance of Jesus became blindingly bright as did the figures of Moses and Elijah and Peter and his companions witnessed the glory of God.

Not on the same scale but daily we can choose to see mud or stars. We can witness God's miracle of creation or hear of those who fail to recognise the beauty of the earth. We can bemoan the unfairness of life or give thanks and praise for all our blessings.

"Consider," says Jesus, "the lilies of the field who do not work and yet Solomon, in all his glory, was not dressed like one of these." Not one small sparrow falls from heaven but our Father knows. He has given his angels charge over you to protect and guide you.

We have been given responsibility for God's world and what a joyous privilege that is! As stewards we are privileged to take up some part of our Saviour's cross and be other Christs to the world.

Love is unfulfilled if it is not used or is only self-centred; love is to be shared amongst all creation equally: for, as Peter writes of Cornelius and his dream of all the clean and unclean animals, "I have come to realise God has no favourites."

As equals in God's eyes we are expected to see his glory in all things bright and beautiful, in the sunrises and settings, to savour the sweet intake of breath, to celebrate the lives of others of whatever length they may be, and in all their diversity for they can love and be objects of unconditional love.

At whatever stage or condition of life we may be we are loved and blessed. Paul tells us that when he is weak he is most loved; Mother Julian feels enfolded in love in her darkest hours and St Mother Teresa speaks of the dark nights of the soul when she directed herself and her co-workers to see Christ in all the sick and dying they encountered.

Sharing Christ is the ability of striving to embrace all creation. How wonderful is the gift and sanctity of life and we are blessed in the diversity of living even in the times when we feel all is not as it should be. God has made us co-heirs to the kingdom and being heirs is never easy.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, the merciful, the peacemakers and those who seek justice, the blessed and miraculous kingdom is theirs.

Praise be to you O Christ.

Rev Mike Vipond


Prayer for Ukraine (courtesy of World Vision)

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Lord may your Kingdom come, and Your will be done.

Lord God, we ask for you to be with all – especially children who are suffering as the crisis in Ukraine deteriorates. Lord for those who are anxious and fearful; for those who are bereaved, injured or who have lost their lives and for those who have lost loved ones…

… Lord hear our prayers.

Lord, we ask that decisions makers hear Your voice. Parents protecting their families – deciding whether to stay or leave. Church leaders as they support and comfort people. And Lord we ask for wise actions from global leaders - who have the power not only to start wars, but to stop them too. 

And Father God we cry out for an end to this crisis. For mercy, peace, and truth – because You are light, hope, power, and love.
