All Saint’s Church News:
Ladies Coffee Morning and plant swap: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 10th Oct. All welcome.
Baptisms in September: Daisy May Overton on Saturday 22nd September at 2pm
Pet and Teddy Service on September16th. It gives me great pleasure to report that the Pet Service kindly hosted by the Cullingfords was an enormous success. On a golden Sept afternoon about fifty people gathered to celebrate the many parts played by animals in our lives through a variety of bible readings and hymns. A big thank you to the local youngsters who read so eloquently and to the congregation who sang heartily!! This is fast becoming an annual favourite! Sue W.
Today Autumn has really arrived. The trees are laden with berries and fruits. The crops are in, the fields neatly readied for the next sewing. Barbara Dring is kindly organising a Plant swap - Bring your spare/unwanted plants to the Ladies Coffee morning at the Old Mill House on October 10th and swap them for something else.
Harvest festival on October 7th will be swiftly followed by Remembrance Sunday on November 11th as we move towards Christmas itself. Please feel welcome to join us at any or all of these services