News from Saxtead Sadly Lorette and Bill were unable to have the Saxtead Ladies Christmas Coffee Morning due to hospital appointments so it was relocated to Meadow Lodge. It was very well attended and Secret Santa distributed to 18 guests with delicious sherry from the Roberts’s, cupcakes and mince pies. On Sunday 5th we had a special visit to All Saints from The Rev David Pitcher whom many remember fondly from quite a few years ago, when he was our Vicar. This year we have sold advent calendars, Christmas stars & angels, Noah Table Mats & crosses. We still have some children’s thank you cards if you haven’t yet been able to get them to write their letters! Rupert was away on the 12th so Caroline Blois very kindly came again to play the organ, and played a couple of Bach pieces she learned especially for us. We had our 2nd Champagne Church Cleaning Party followed on the Tuesday before Christmas by the Flower Arranging Bee and I think everyone will agree that the arrangements were lovely again this year. Amanda came and was able to meet new village members who have kindly stepped up to help. The Carol Service on Christmas Eve was a huge success again this year, attended by more than 50 people including nearly a dozen children. The Hoare, Lane and Watt children read lessons beautifully, and placed the enchanting nativity figures by the manger in front of the altar. Hal Hoare played the trumpet, and delicious mulled wine was provided by Amanda.
A reminder that we now have a car pool, so if you would like a lift to church or any other church event, ring Christina on 01728-724162.
Christina: Email: cdb1946@icloud.com
Please visit Saxtead’s village website for news from the parish council and all meeting agendas and minutes.