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Saxtead News

All Saints Saxtead

For more photographs of SAXTEAD CHURCH please look on the A church Near You website for All Saints Saxtead

All Saints Saxtead WEBSITE  -      https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/2309

All Saints is open daily for private prayer 

All Saints Saxtead:


11.15am: 1st and 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

updated 27.04.24





All Saints, Saxtead now open daily for private prayer

16 June 2020

On Monday afternoon June 15th 2020 All Saints, Saxtead, opened it’s enormous medieval door to the public for the first time for nearly four months. A notice invites to followself-distancing and disinfectant rules, using gel from a dispenser on entry and wiping the door handles on leaving, and to wear a mask if vulnerable.

Read more on All Saints, Saxtead now open daily for private prayer

June 2020 news from Saxtead

27 May 2020

News from Saxtead June 2020

At All Saints, Saxtead, the glorious Mount Fuji cherry tree has shed its blossom which now forms a pink silk carpet up to the locked medieval door of the silent church. It has not been possible for the PCC to meet due to the isolation and distancing guidelines, and Sarah Rimmer has sadly notified us that our annual Church Fete has had to be cancelled. She is hoping that something can be arranged, if allowed, in the autumn.
The Loo Committee and Bill Roberts were unable to meet in the garden at Trust Farm due to distancing numbers, however the budget has been accepted and the architect will be asked to go ahead with the preparation of tender documents to be sent to a number of contractors.
The Saxtead PCC sewing group have sent more than 2 dozen masks, 5 sets of scrubs and 10 laundry bags to Foxearth so far. Sandra, the Housekeeper at Foxearth, rang to say how grateful they are for them and please could they have more masks and scrubs. So many village houses were swathed in bunting for VE Day. Everyone in the village over 70 will have been very much aware of VE Day all their lives as we were surrounded by people who had fought in the war. Very few families had no member who had died in action, paying the price for our freedom. Christina

Read more on June 2020 news from Saxtead

May 2020 News from Saxtead

20 April 2020

News from Saxtead We have tremendous help in the village for the vulnerable isolated households, many kind people running errands for their neighbours, and in particular Sarah and Bill Rimmer’s son who brings wonderfully fresh fruit and veg to Saxtead weekly from a wholesaler near Ipswich. Our retired postman Andrew Walne fetches prescriptions from the Framlingham surgery weekly, and our post lady Sally Anna delivered a box of children’s cards as an Easter present from All Saints Church to 9 village households with small children and said they were thrilled with them!

Read more on May 2020 News from Saxtead

April News 2020

27 March 2020

News from Saxtead

Read more on April News 2020

March News from Saxtead

1 March 2020

News from Saxtead Narch 2020

Read more on March News from Saxtead

February News from Saxtead

29 January 2020

February Services at All Saints Saxtead 
2nd Candlemas Joint Christingle Service at St Michael’s at 11.00am 
9th 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) 
16th 11.15am Holy Communion (CW)
23rd 11.15am Morning Prayer 
March Services at All Saints Saxtead 
1st 11.15am Holy Communion (CW) 
8th 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) 
15th 11.15am Holy Communion (CW) 
22nd 11.15am  Holy Communion (CW) 
29th 11.15 am Morning Prayer 
News from Saxtead 
First of all, a reminder that on 2nd February, (Candlemas), there is a joint Christingle service at St Michaels at 11.00 am, so no service at Saxtead that day. For Communion, there is the 8am service at St Michael’s; see the schedule of services on reverse. Saxtead PCC has decided to start the exploration about getting a toilet and water into Church and to get our architect to help us begin the work. A small group has been formed to work with the Architect to consider the possibilities for water and for waste and the possible designs. They will need to work at the costings and consider phasing the work. The PCC also considered the possibilities for the Cremation plot in the Churchyard and is taking some advice on the possibilities of what is possible and what would be allowed. Alpha Course We got off to a good start with plates of steaming Red Poll cottage pie for our fifteen guests who came from as far as Debenham and Brandeston, as well as from Framlingham and Saxtead! We have a selection of books to borrow and a manual to guide Participants through the talks. Christina:  Email: cdb1946@icloud.com  

Read more on February News from Saxtead

News from Saxtead December 2019

28 November 2019

December Services at ALL SAINTS SAXTEAD

Read more on News from Saxtead DECEMBER 2019

November 19 News Saxtead

28 October 2019

News from All Saints Saxtead

Read more on November 19 News Saxtead

Autumn News from All Saints Saxtead

24 September 2019


Autumn News from All Saints Saxtead

Read more on Autumn News from All Saints Saxtead