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Saxtead News

All Saints Saxtead

For more photographs of SAXTEAD CHURCH please look on the A church Near You website for All Saints Saxtead

All Saints Saxtead WEBSITE  -      https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/2309

All Saints is open daily for private prayer 

All Saints Saxtead:


11.15am: 1st and 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Holy Communion

updated 27.04.24





“Advent and Beyond” News from Saxtead

28 November 2018

All Saint’s Church News:
Something in the air: There is so much to look forward to with the approach of Christmas but firstly, advance notice that we hope to hold a festival in Saxtead on Sept 21st/22nd2019 celebrating the many talents and skills of the people of Saxtead with an array of exhibitions, demonstrations and a concert! We need you all; peoples of all ages living in the vicinity, especially the youngsters, something for everyone.To take part or contribute in any way ring Lorette Roberts on 07824 357295 or email Sue Ward saxtead_sue@hotmail.com . We would love to hear from you. More details to follow.
Iris HammondWe are sorry to hear of the death of Iris who lived in Saxtead for over 50 years. She was a dearly loved member of the community who will be remembered for her cheery smile and a pleasant word for all.
Ladies coffee morning: Wed 12th Dec at 10.30am Many thanks to Christina Darell Brown who, with her husband, Anthony, recently came to live at Meadow Lodge. She has volunteered to be our hostess!
The village lunch will take place at 12 pm on Friday 14th December at The Old Mill House
A mere snip at £10 as Nick and Ruth are kindly holding it at last year's price.  Come and join us and meet your neighbours.
Christmas carols in the pubDecember 20th from 7pm, with musical accompaniment. Fun for everyone!(Please look in the newsletter for the list of Special Christmas services.)

Read more on “Advent and Beyond” News from Saxtead

November News from Saxtead

5 November 2018

All Saint’s Church News:

Read more on November News from Saxtead

Autumn News

5 November 2018

All Saint’s Church News:
Ladies Coffee Morning and plant swap: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 10th Oct. All welcome.
Baptisms in September: Daisy May Overton on Saturday 22nd September at 2pm
Pet and Teddy Service on September16th. It gives me great pleasure to report that the Pet Service kindly hosted by the Cullingfords was an enormous success. On a golden Sept afternoon about fifty people gathered to celebrate the many parts played by animals in our lives through a variety of bible readings and hymns. A big thank you to the local youngsters who read so eloquently and to the congregation who sang heartily!! This is fast becoming an annual favourite! Sue W.
Today Autumn has really arrived. The trees are laden with berries and fruits. The crops are in, the fields neatly readied for the next sewing.  Barbara Dring is kindly organising a Plant swap - Bring your spare/unwanted plants to the Ladies Coffee morning at the Old Mill House on October 10th and swap them for something else.
Harvest festival on October 7th will be swiftly followed by Remembrance Sunday on November 11th as we move towards Christmas itself. Please feel welcome to join us at any or all of these services

Read more on Autumn News

August News

14 August 2018

All Saint’s Church News:
We have been fortunate this year to celebrate so many events in good weather. However, with such a golden harvest around us, let's hope the farmers get the conditions they need to bring it all safely home.
A reminder of some events to come that will hopefully attract clement weather:
Ladies Coffee Morning: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 8th August. All welcome including the xchildren!!
Weddings in August: Rosa Akerman and Jake Edwards – Saturday 25th August. We wish them all God’s blessings and every happiness for their future together.
Suffolk historic Churches Bike ride: A special plea for as many people as possible to support this fun event, taking place on September 8th and now known as Ride and Stride (i.e., cycle or walk) full details can be found on the Internet, including downloadable forms. Ride & Stride is run entirely by volunteers and is inter-denominational, with cyclists invited to seek sponsors for each place of worship visited by them between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on Ride & Stride Day. The money raised by each participant is shared equally between the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust and their nominated place of worship. As important as the cyclists, are the many volunteers who give up the day to sign the cyclists in. It is a real community effort and is the lifeblood of the Trust.' Sarah Rimmer is looking for volunteers to man All Saints for an hourly stint somewhere between 10a.m. and 4p.m. Her mobile number is 07792 158764. Sarah also has sponsorship forms. Come and join the fun!

Read more on August News

June News

10 June 2018

Ladies Coffee Morning: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wednesday 13th June. All welcome.

Read more on June News

May News

23 May 2018

Ladies Coffee Morning:

The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wednesday 9th May. All welcome.

Read more on May News

April News

18 April 2018

Ladies Coffee Morning: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 16th April. All welcome.

Read more on April News

February News

9 February 2018

The Annual Parish Church Meeting: This is being held on Feb 8th  at 7pm at The Barn. This will review the life of Saxtead church over 2017. An important part of the meeting will look at the Quinquennial Inspection Report. This report looks at the fabric of the church and highlights areas which need repair. Money raised by Friends of All Saints has provided a good start. More details at the meeting.
Ladies Coffee Morning:
The second Wednesday of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 14th February. All welcome.

Read more on February News

November News

21 November 2017

Autumn is a season of contrasts as we move from the dark days of November,  remembering all those who have died for our country, towards the light and promise of Christmas.

Read more on November News

Ladies Coffee Morning

30 September 2017

Ladies Coffee Morning: The second Wed of every month at The Old Mill House, 10.30am. Wed 11th October. All welcome.

Read more on Ladies Coffee Morning